[Secret Korea - Seoul] Ep. 16 The Seoul City Wall / YTN (Yes! Top News)

2017-11-15 5

My name is Loren Hutchins and I take photographs in Seoul.

There’s a very old and special trail in Seoul.

Seoul, the capital of Korea has been historically invaded by foreign powers.

The creation of this city wall was the very first thing that the first king of Joseon did to protect the capital.

The kings built the city wall between the four mountains that surrounds the capital.

The trail that connects the city wall is the 'Seoul City Wall' trail.

Perfect harmonious view of old-fashioned wall and modern buildings far off in the distance

is the Seoul City Wall Trail’s charm.

Now, the city wall has become a walking trail Seoul citizens can enjoy

with brief strolls while looking around Seoul.

It may be the very same trail of the past

but the difference in time period has changed its purpose.

As you walk along the Seoul City Wall Trail,

you come across a village situated on the foot of the mountain.

This is Ihwa Village, full of beautiful murals.

After the Korean War, the village was a poor town composed of run down housing.

However after 2006, the village went through a complete makeover through a public art project.

It has now become a popular tourist attraction visited by many tourists

but we mustn’t forget one thing.

Before this place has become what it is now, it is still a home to many people.

I, too, quietly press the shutter of my camera.

Naksan Park is famous for its countless features as Korean filming location.

It is also called Seoul’s Montmartre.

Naksan Park is also known to have the most beautiful view of Seoul’s nightscape.

The lights that shine on the city wall along the trail add to the beautiful Seoul’s night scenery.

The Seoul City Wall that has protected Seoul has stood its ground for more than 600 years

and it continues to surround Seoul like an old friend; reliably and kindly.

▶ 기사 원문 : http://www.ytn.co.kr/_sp/1209_201701101723592139
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, 8585@ytn.co.kr, #2424

▣ YTN 유튜브 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/Ytb5SZ

[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]

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